Wonderful! I made these for Christmas and got rave reviews. I cooked the mixture to about 238 deg. and it's chewy, but doesn't get stuck in your teeth. It's a little hard to remove from the pan.... make sure you coat the pan well w/ butter or spray.+

YUM! Super easy. I don't own a candy thermometer (yet!) and just waited for the soft ball stage. I didn't wait quite long enough, so my carmels are pretty droopy. But they taste great!

Remember if you do not have a candy thermometer, use a glass of cold water to test the candy. If it dissolves it isn't ready. If it forms to soft ball and you can roll it with your fingers...ready. Hard crack is when it immediatly is stiff. Be careful, when you get close to the temp. to remove quickly. I have tried twice and it was hard the first time. Perfect the second time.

Get the recipe here >> HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS CARAMELS @ garnishandglaze.com



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