Oh my word! Excellent! I did double it since I knew we'd want leftovers so I baked it about 10 min longer. Also subbed boiling leftover coffee for the water as I have done in the past for similar recipes. A new favorite!! And it was just as good the next day, zapped in microwave with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!

This looks incredible when it’s taken from the oven. The dessert is all “chocolately” with the fudge sauce bubbling enticingly through the cake layer. I admit I’m a chocoholic and couldn’t wait to dig in. I made a mistake when I made the cake base using ¼ cup of cocoa instead of the two tablespoons. It must have been a Freudian slip. I also added ½ teaspoon of vanilla to the cake base and boiled the water before pouring it on the cake. I’ve made several pudding cakes but I like this one the best. There is plenty of chocolate sauce and it has great chocolate flavor. This was a last minute thought to make for dessert and had I planned to make this earlier I would have saved leftover coffee to add to the liquid to enhance the chocolate flavor. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream for a perfect dessert.



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