YUMMMMM!!! These caramel chocolate are so incredible that I actualy prefer them over regular cake. I followed the recipe exactly and they came out perfectly so I don't know why people had issues. My only guess is make sure you do not overheat your caramel (should be able to easily stur and pour it when its ready). DO NOT forget to add the milk to your caramels. This makes it much creamier, easier to handel and will make it an easier consistency to eat. Also, make sure your cake batter is already spread in your pan, and then lightly drizzle the caramel sauce on top (do not mix in, or pour in before the batter is in your pan). These make an incredibly impressive dessert that looks like you slaved over them for hours. Nobody would ever guess its just a spruced-up box mix!

This recipe is so wonderful (and easy!) to make! I took a pan to a neighbor's supper club, and the compliments poured in! I did not microwave the caramel sauce as instructed, but used the stovetop- which works better for me. I was fortunate enough to use an exceptional caramel mix many time! Definitely a *make again* dessert... I will whip up a pan of these for any occasion!

YUMMY!!! I'm not a big sweet eater but I bet these are very yummy warm out of the oven. Something about salty sweet that I just love! I'm going to try these the day after tomorrow.



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