
Fabulous! I made these for tailgating and they travelled very well and received rave reviews. People were fighting over them. They have the perfect amount of sweetness, although the amount of butter could probably be reduced. I was concerned at first because after 15 minutes of baking, the batter still looked runny in the middle. I think I ended up baking them for 30 minutes or more and they still had a soupy consistency. But after they cooled, they firmed up - whew!!

So yummy! I didn't have any carmel, so I used peanut butter (melted a bit in microwave) instead. Everyone loved it - my kids too and my husband and his family they came for the dessert.

I just finished making these and they are truly 5 star!! Made exactly as written, 9 by 9 pan, I can see actually how this would serve 36...I had one small decadent square and it was outstanding! I would maybe add MORE nuts, but that's because I am a nut fanatic! Absolutely delicious!

Get the recipe here >> carmelitas @


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