Glowing Skin Smoothie

My husband and I are trying to do little changes at a time to steer away from the bad eating lifestyle that we are living with and this recipe is defiantly a great start. The first sip took some adjusting to because it wasn't the breakfast egg, cheese and sausage biscuit sandwich that we are used to, but after that it tasted better after every sip. I will defiantly be putting this down on my breakfast menu.

This was our first spinach smoothie experience! I have always been meaning to try it. This was a great combination of fruits and vegetables and healthy too. My husband and I both enjoyed it!
I loved this!! Very sweet, healthy, and delicious! Will be making this for breakfast again!

This was good. I did make a few changes.. I did use carrot,spinach and banana but added strawberries and added a little 2% milk and that was it. I had my 6 year old taste it and she said she liked it.. then I told him what was in there..


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