The Best Mini Mint Cheesecake

This is a super simple cheescake that tastes like it took hours to make. I made my own graham cracker crust instead a store bought one. I added mint essence to the ganche topping as well as to the cheesecake mix itself. When it was glazed, I sprinkled Andes mint chips over the top for extra flavor and decoration. it was a huge hit! Thanks, Kittencall. I can always rely on you for an amazing recipe.

I made this for a church Soup and Pie supper. All I can say is fantastic! It was so simple to make but the taste is like something you slaved away at. I made two pies, and several people were disappointed when they went to the pie table and found the pie tins empty. The pastor's wife asked if I would make a couple more for a ladies function in March. I will definite make this again! 

Absolutely amazing!! Perfect for anyone who loves both mint chocolate chip ice cream and cheesecake. Made for a friend's birthday and had several requests for the recipe.


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